The Adventures of Kool Kat

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Pre-Cognitive Premise...

The animation i've been working on this year is a group project titled 'Cognitive Playground'. Sounds intelligent doesn't it! Or maybe that was just me! Anyway, concerning the premise for the short film: We are transported into the kids imaginary world through a drawing that is on his desk in his bedroom. Once in the imaginary world we meet our main Character, a robber who just robbed a bank. No sooner does he come walking out of the explosion caused in order to escape a police car speeds round the corner and starts shooting at him. The robber runs for his life and a game of 'Cops & Robbers' begins. Fantastic things happen along the way which enable the officer and the robber to get the upper hand, things that cant be explained even by the characters in the animated imaginary world. Eventualy thre is a climax and the animation ends because the kid is being called by one of his parents. How it all unfolds, well, you'll just have to wait to see the finished animation! My main roles in the film are enviroments (modelling), texturing and lighting. But i helped with pre production then animatic process and camera work as well as animation.


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