The Adventures of Kool Kat

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Next Thing!

Ok so I dont have a clue about how blogs are supposed to go! so this is probably the worst composition of work you may ever see! but that being said, its still work! Im working on a music video now! it a freekance job. The songs called 'HIGH' and its based around two kids who get caught up in drugs. Its has a really poignant message and it is a very catchy tune! The style is again a comic is style with the rough edge texuring that i like. I still need to perfect 'my look' but im getting there! Here are some images :

I started working onthe neighbourhood where on of the kids lives.....The neighbourhood is starting to take shape! Just need to texture it some more now.
Ive also been working on a bank with a cashpoint which is pertinent to the song too
This the cashpoint as you can see.
The bank is unfinished and needs something like 'bank' in big block letters or a name, something to make it instantly recognisable. will work on that.

Here is some images of the city. it is very unfinished!

There will be a lot of changes to this city.


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